Participate in Day With(out) Art 2024

Visual AIDS invites you to join us in marking Day With(out) Art 2024 with a free screening of Red Reminds Me... on or around Friday, December 1, 2024.

Red Reminds Me... presents seven new videos reflecting the emotional spectrum of living with HIV today, featuring work by Gian Cruz (Philippines), Milko Delgado (Panama), Imani Harrington (USA), David Oscar Harvey (USA), Mariana Iacono and Juan De La Mar (Argentina/Colombia), Nixie (Belgium), and Vasilios Papapitsios (USA).

To participate, we ask that you...
  1. Identify a location for your screening event or looping presentation.
    Screenings can happen anywhere that community can gather to view and discuss video, including theaters, classrooms, lobbies, outdoor screens, and living rooms. We ask that screening events be free and open to the public, if possible.

  2. Choose a date for your screening.
  3. All six commissioned videos will be freely available to view and screen online starting the morning of December 1, World AIDS Day. We invite partnering institutions to plan screening events on November 30th, December 1st, or any other day in early December. Choose a date that will allow your screening to have maximum impact and attendance.

  4. Collaborate with local organizations.
  5. We encourage partnerships between museums, universities, AIDS service organizations, and other local groups. We can help connect you to other people in your area who are interested in supporting.

  6. Organize additional programming.
  7. Consider inviting local AIDS activists or artists to speak after your screening event. Other possibilities include inviting organizations to table, screening or presenting additional artworks, or holding an educational workshop.

  8. Share your event information with Visual AIDS.
  9. Later in the year, we will ask you to provide the details for your screening event. Visual AIDS will list and publicize all screening events on our website. 

  10. Publicize and promote your participation.
  11. Spread the word and share information about why you are participating and what Day With(out) Art is.

  12. There is no cost to participate.
  13. Visual AIDS is proud to offer Day With(out) Art programming free of charge so that these videos can be seen as widely as possible. However, if your institution has a programming budget or a standard screening fee, we would greatly appreciate any contribution or donation. We would be happy to provide an invoice or tax deduction information as needed.

Visual AIDS will provide...
  1. A free, one-hour video program — to be screened on/around Friday, December 1, 2024.

  2. Publicity materials — including a project logo, event description, video stills, and synopses for each video.

  3. A preview of the videos — because these are newly commissioned works, we will not be able to share the preview with you until later in the year.

  4. Captions and subtitles — given the international nature of this program, the videos will be produced in different languages. Visual AIDS will provide English and Spanish captions for the whole program. If you are interested in translating the videos into other languages, Visual AIDS can provide transcripts in advance.

  5. Resource guide — a printable booklet that provides more information about the issues raised by each video. An example can be seen here.

  6. Video download link — the final video program will be provided as a single .MOV file via a download link

Frequently Asked Questions
  1. How long is the video program?
    The total runtime of the program will be between 50 and 60 minutes. A more specific runtime will be available closer to December 1.

  2. Does my screening event have to be on December 1?
  3. No! Day With(out) Art is traditionally observed on December 1, World AIDS Day. We invite partnering institutions to plan screening events on November 30th, December 1st, or any other day in early December. Choose a date that will allow your screening to have maximum impact and attendance. All commissioned videos will be freely available to view and screen online starting the morning of December 1, World AIDS Day.

  4. Can I preview the videos?
  5. Because these are newly commissioned works, we will not be able to provide a preview link until later this year. We expect to have a preview of the full program this fall. Please note that the video program may contain some nudity and/or depiction of some sexual acts. To get a sense of past Day With(out) Art video programs, visit

  6. Can I screen one or two of the videos instead of the whole program?
  7. We ask that all of the videos are screened together, and the program will be provided as a single, continuous video file.

  8. Who should I invite to speak on a panel after my screening?
  9. We encourage partners to host conversations that consider the resonances and differences between the content of the videos and your own community. Consider reaching out to local AIDS organizations and scholars who work around HIV/AIDS, public health, and social justice. We will also provide a printable resource guide that contains discussion questions that can provide a structure for these conversations. We can also help brainstorm potential participants who are connected to Visual AIDS.

  10. How do I receive the videos?
  11. All of the videos will be combined into one .MOV screening file and shared via a digital download link later this year.

  12. What are the specifications for the video file?
  13. Quicktime ProRes 422 (Proxy) / 1920x1080 resolution / 48kHz sound

  14. Is there a cost to participate?
  15. We are proud to offer Day With(out) Art programming free of charge so that these videos can be seen as widely as possible. We rely on screening fees from participating institutions to make our work possible. Please consider making a contribution if your institution is able to.

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Visual AIDS utilizes art to fight AIDS by provoking dialogue, supporting HIV+ artists, and preserving a legacy, because AIDS is not over. Learn more ︎︎︎